Sunday 17 November 2013

Week  6 

This week, I will start talking about the most thing I loved and learned through it at the same time which is the interactive power point, I felt the importance of this great tool to use not only as presenting information,but also inserting sound, images, effects, or hyperlinks and integrating these features to produce an interactive show you can really feel it's power... I created a very simple one for a grammar lesson about simple future and I shared it on the class wiki, and I am waiting your comments and feedback, if it is good feel free to use it in your lessons.

The other new thing I learnt is how to teach large classes, the thing that I am not accustomed to yet.  However, the number and diversity of materials I read and which talked about this subject made me some times confused and shocked, but I found interest while searching and reading about the 36 formats of techniques that can be used to manage and teach large classes.

How about my project and the matter of implementing it, I made some changes to my project which is mainly focus on solving the issue  of reading,I will only use a website to enhance the reading speed which is and creating a professional web quest.


  1. It's wonderful to hear your enthusiasm for creating the interactive PPT, Baraat! I'm so glad that you found that task to be useful. I LOVE creating PPTs! When you incorporate interactive elements, students truly are more engaged.

    It's nice to hear an update on your final project, as well. It sounds like you're keeping it simple, which is good. Your students won't be overwhelmed, and you will have an easier time reporting about your progress in the final project.

    Thanks for a great weekly reflection!


  2. Hi Courtney,
    I only want to thank you and say"you are the BEST instructor, and this is the most challenging course"
